whats good?
sometimes I wonder why cats decide to put their claws back in.
anyway remember when people used to blog and it was THE thing to do. well i thought i join 15 years too late but tf am I gonna post reels to help lowering ur attention span until its completely gone.
Watch me be hot @heavyblessing69
"Glow stick has to break before it glows”
PUCCA. From every character I ever loved, over time, Pucca became the closest to me. The thing about Pucca is that she was capable of doing what I never could—she was able to love without receiving love in return. She was obsessed with Garu and tried everything to be close to him.
But the moments I loved the most were when she had to step back because Garu disrespected her. She understood that love alone wasn’t enough to overlook being treated poorly.
Check out my bichin 10th b-day party in brazil!
highlight of my life
So what am I trying to say and where the duck are the spicy infos?
In life you have to accept you will never reach fufillment when you put it off for the future. Everything you want, happens now, not tomorrow, not next monday, not next month. NOW. Happiness is not external, but internal, and for the most wonderful discorvery.
After years of excluding myself from a good life because I wasnt woth it or not ready yet, i lived for the “when” when I start working…, when I lost the weight.. when i get seroius about exercise…, when, when, when. When never comes if you don’t take action now.
And dont get me wrong, simply doing isnt easy and i definetly havent reached a point where procastiantion and piutting things off has been erased from my day to day life. i still tell myself im not ready, not good enough or quite not at the point where taking action now is requierd now.
I make excuses, i miss oputenieties, i dont take everything in an intuitive, determines way on.
But thats also okay, the most important thing in life is that you are willing to grow, change and learn. Nothing is ever wasted, nothing is ever missed, from everything you unserstand as fail, you will learn fpr the next time, and if you fail again you will learn again.
And dont get me wrong, simply doing isnt easy and i definetly havent reached a point where procastiantion and piutting things off has been erased from my day to day life. i still tell myself im not ready, not good enough or quite not at the point where taking action now is requierd now.
I make excuses, i miss oputenieties, i dont take everything in an intuitive, determines way on.
But thats also okay, the most important thing in life is that you are willing to grow, change and learn. Nothing is ever wasted, nothing is ever missed, from everything you unserstand as fail, you will learn fpr the next time, and if you fail again you will learn again.